Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Super Saver Rentals Partners with SOS! on Oil Spill Response

Florida's coastal environment provides homes and nesting grounds for seaturtles and shorebirds, marine mammals, fish, and countless other animals. It also brings in millions of tourists, creating a nearly $65 billion-a-year industry in the State of Florida. Coastal communities and businesses alike rely on the health of Florida's beaches and marine environment for their livelihoods. When the natural environment is threatened, the Florida economy is threatened in turn.

It almost goes without saying that coastal residents and business owners alike have a great stake in the preservation and protection of our unique system of marshes and estuaries, bays and white powder sand beaches.

Now, as the oil spill from the recently sunk Deepwater Horizon rig creeps closer to Florida's world-renown beaches, the livelihoods of more than one million Floridians and our $65 billion-a-year coastline is in jeopardy.

To assist in recovery efforts in the Gulf of Mexico, Super Saver Rentals (a division of Crist Communications, LLC) has teamed up with us to help fund our clean-up campaign. They recently announced a special promotion: $100 from every rental booked from their inventory will be donated to Save Our Shores! Florida to help us in our efforts to protect and restore the Gulf coast.

Terms: When booking accomodations through Super Saver Rentals, you need to use promotional code: [SOS-MAYDAY] - This promotion is currently running from 05/03/10 to 06/03/10.

You can visit Super Saver Rentals at:
http://supersaverrentals.com/  and  http://visitdelraybeach.com/

Or, you can donate directly to Save Our Shores! Florida's efforts by following this link: http://www.sosfla.org/2009/12/donate.html


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